Good Medicine Tea

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Thai Tea Ice Cream recipe!

Hey folks— in the midst of worrying about staying healthy and staying in business (not to mention worrying about friends, family, and all the health care workers on the front lines of this crisis), we decided to use our at-home time… to make homemade ice cream.

And we infused it with our Thai Iced Tea. Whoo, baby— if you like Thai iced tea, you’re going to like this.

Here’s the recipe (makes about 6 servings):


  • 1¾ cups heavy whipping cream

  • 1¼ cup whole milk

  • ¾ cup sugar (or alternative sweetener— I would have used honey, but didn’t want to deplete my stash during quarantine! )

  • ⅛ teaspoon salt

  • 6 tablespoons loose leaf Thai Iced Tea


  • Pour the heavy cream into a double boiler (I used a bowl set over a gently simmering saucepan) and add the sugar, salt and tea. Stir until the sugar and salt have dissolved. Warm the mixture until you see steam rising from the top.

  • Remove from the heat and allow to sit 30 minutes at room temperature.

  • Add the milk, stir to combine and chill in the refrigerator.

  • When ready to churn, strain out the loose leaf tea (pressing the leaves to remove as much of the liquid as possible), stir mixture again and pour into ice cream maker. Note: if you don’t have an ice cream maker, you can use ice + two ziploc bags. (This is also a fun project with kiddos! Here’s a link on how to do it that way.)

  • Churn according to your ice cream maker’s instructions. Another Note: we got our ice cream maker at a family gathering years ago (White Elephant score!)— it’s takin’ a lickin’ and somehow keeps on tickin’. But that means that we have no instructions, we just churn until it’s the right thickness for us.

  • Transfer the finished ice cream to an airtight container and place in the freezer until ready to serve. Last note: It’s really good topped with orange zest. Yum!