Teas for a new Mom

This year I became a mother! On February 2nd, my son surprised everyone by arriving a month early. We spent 11 days in the NICU and tea was one of the saving graces of the experience. In fact, when my cousin asked what she could bring to us, my husband insisted that he had to have Gorge Sunrise (a good morning boost for sleep-deprived Dads!).

My son, Redding, is now 4 months old and thriving despite his precipitous start. As a breastfeeding mother, I’m missing my favorite caffeinated teas, like Wanderlust (can’t get enough smoky black tea and cardamom) and Tantric Chai (love that spicy Yerba Mate kick!).

So what am I drinking? Here are my top three “Mama tea time” teas:

Mama Earth - of course! This is a sweet, calming tea with Red Raspberry, Nettle, and other pregnancy/childbirth supporting herbs. Often I’m stealing sips, but every once-in-a-while I get to relax with a cup (ie: when my son naps).

Mountain Berry Red - this Red Rooibos and berry blend is caffeine free and a great mineral and antioxidant boost for my mornings. As the weather warms up try cold-brewing it-- delicious!

Ginger Love - this warming Ginger tea not only tastes lovely, but contains Fennel, an herb that supports breastfeeding.

